What is COMHOMA Member Co-creation Program?
In today's fast-paced and constantly changing world, the importance of innovation and co-creation cannot be overstated. Many successful businesses have implemented co-creation programs to involve customers and stakeholders in the product development process. One such company that has successfully implemented co-creation is COMHOMA, a data-driven company that leverages big data to create innovative products. In this essay, we will explore COMHOMA's member co-creation program and how it works.
What is Co-creation?
Co-creation is a process where companies involve customers, employees, and stakeholders in the product development process. This process allows companies to gather valuable feedback and insights that help them create products that meet the needs of their customers. Co-creation can also lead to increased customer loyalty and advocacy.
Co-creation is not a new concept; companies such as IKEA have been using co-creation for decades. In fact, IKEA's co-creation program has been so successful that it has become a part of their corporate culture. COMHOMA, like IKEA, understands the importance of co-creation and has implemented a co-creation program to involve its members in the product development process.
What is COMHOMA's Member Co-creation Program?
COMHOMA's Member Co-creation Program is a process where members are invited to submit product ideas based on big data analysis. The program is open to all members, regardless of their level of expertise or industry knowledge. Members can submit product ideas on the company's website or through other channels specified by the company.
Once the ideas are submitted, COMHOMA will review and filter them to identify the ones that are appropriate for the task. The company will then publish the selected ideas and work to develop and produce them. The member who submitted the idea will receive a commission on every sale of the product until it is discontinued.
How does COMHOMA's Member Co-creation Program work?
COMHOMA's Member Co-creation Program works in several stages. The first stage is the idea submission stage, where members submit their ideas through the company's website or other channels specified by the company. The company encourages members to submit ideas that are based on big data analysis and have the potential to become successful products.
Once the ideas are submitted, COMHOMA will review and filter them to identify the ones that are appropriate for the task. The company will consider several factors, such as feasibility, profitability, and relevance to the company's mission and vision. The company may also seek feedback from experts or stakeholders to evaluate the ideas.
After the ideas are filtered, the company will publish the selected ideas on its website or other channels. The company will then work to develop and produce the products, using big data analysis to inform the product development process. The company will also involve the member who submitted the idea in the development process, soliciting feedback and input to ensure that the product meets their vision and expectations.
Once the product is developed and produced, the member who submitted the idea will receive a commission on every sale of the product until it is discontinued. The commission rate will be determined by the company and may vary depending on several factors, such as the product's profitability and market demand.
Benefits of COMHOMA's Member Co-creation Program
COMHOMA's Member Co-creation Program has several benefits for the company, members, and society. The program allows the company to leverage the collective intelligence of its members to create innovative products. It also fosters a sense of community and engagement among the members, which can lead to increased loyalty and advocacy.
The program also benefits the members, as it allows them to contribute their ideas and earn a commission on the products they help develop. This can be a source of income for members.